Local Bureaus/Departments Contact Information

Bureau/DepartmentAddressContact number
Bureau of Environmental Protection, Keelung CityNo. 253, Dongguang Rd., Xinyi Dist., Keelung City 201005, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(02)2465-1115
Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City GovernmentNortheast Area, No. 1, Shifu Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110204, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(02)2720-8889
Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City GovernmentNo. 57, Minzu Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City 220243, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(02)2953-2111
Department of Environmental Protection, TaoyuanNo. 1, Xianfu Rd., Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330206, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(03)3386-021
Bureau of Environmental Protection, Hsinchu CityNo. 240, Haibin Rd., North Dist., Hsinchu City 300055 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)(03)536-8920
Environmental Protection Bureau, Hsinchu CountyNo. 62, Guangming 5th St., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302099, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(03)5519-345
Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien CountyNo. 123, Minquan Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970019, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(03)823-7575
Environmental Protection Bureau, Yilan CountyNo. 100, Ligong 2nd Rd., Wujie Township, Yilan County 268015, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(03)9907-755
Environmental Protection Bureau, Miaoli County GovernmentNo. 95, Gaotie 1st Rd., Houlong Township, Miaoli County 356002, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(037)558-558
Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City GovernmentNo. 99, Minquan Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403419, Taiwan (R.O.C.)(04)2228-9111