Real-time Tracking System Availability

An 85% availability is the criterion for the EPA to determine the stability of vehicle trackers supplied by tracker manufacturers. The availability depends on:

  1. The quality of the vehicle trackers’ software and hardware
  2. The speed of maintenance and services provided by a vehicle tracker manufacturer, and whether the manufacturer actively keeps track of the transmission quality of the vehicles it sells.
  3. Whether vehicle tracker users (drivers) operate the trackers properly, and whether they immediately contact the manufacturers for maintenance or repair in the event of operational anomalies.
Method for Calculating Availability:

Criteria Explanation Weight
Transmission quality Ratio of vehicles with a monthly transmission rate higher than 85%
Number of vehicles with a monthly transmission rate higher than 85%/(total number of vehicles in the batch in the month - number of vehicles not dispatched in the month)
Maintenance effectiveness Ratio of malfunctioning vehicles
1 - (malfunctioning vehicles/[total number of vehicles in the batch in the month - number of vehicles not dispatched in the month])

Last Update Date:2025.03.11
